Tuesday, January 11, 2005

2005 :)

It may have taken 5 and a half hours.. but today i realized it was 2005.. after looking at the notebook of the girl next to me in my sexual behaviour class. Where in the name of God did 2004 go? the year was seriously a blurr. I've had a great 2005 so far though. Ringing in the new year was absolutley awesome. I went to Barkleys with Ashleigh Steven Kayla Murrdogg and Ricardo, we met up with a bunch of people over there. I had quite the midnight kiss :) I spent alot of the first week of 2005 out to Ricardo's place... as i hate being in my house and his room mates were still out of town. he made me supper last wednesday night. It was soo sweet and sooo good. I'm seriously waiting for something to go wrong.. things just aren't supposed to be this great!
I started back to MUN today too. I have a hellfully long break. I have one class at 9-10:15 and another at 3:30 on tuesdays and thursdays! Its crazy! luckily on tuesdays Ricardo has a complimenting two hour break so i get to go visit him :) however thursdays will be hellish! i feel i'm gonna get a lot of reading done this semester! I read A Child Called It for the 5th time today! awesome book! i also got to take a nap today too! lol i'm still bloody tired though.
I got to see Phantom last night finally last night too. That play/movie is frigging Orgasmic! I could seriously get off just listening to the music! WOW.. just WOW.
well i guess i should go try and find something productive with the rest of my night. :)


Peace and Blessings :)

1 comment:

RyanB said...

You know how my schedule is already....for my arch class I *corrected* my prof 3 times yesterday. Ooops
