Thursday, January 19, 2006

Help a cute girl out!

So I applied for this scholarship, I can't really account for its crediablity, but it doesn't take much for you to help me win it. Just click on the link below and click yes. Thats all you have to do.

So other than that I've been insanely busy. School, work, work, work, rehearsal, school, work again. Always fun. I'm enjoying my semester though. My Writing and Gender class is by far my favorite. I love the group discussion and debate. Its a lot of presentation and preparation. I love it. Haven't been seeing a whole lot of Darcy though and that makes me sad, But we both understand its an extremely busy semester for the both of us so we're making the best of the time we have. We're going to a basketball game on saturday. that should be fun... maybe take in munich tomorrow night? I dunno we'll see. He's doing so well at his internship, I'm so proud of him. He's amazing. and I love his mom. Best conversation ever with her last night
"I'm not allowed to swim"
" then do something else physical!!!! Pretend I didn't say that"
haha. I love her. Best.Thing.Ever.
Other than that life has been pretty boring. Back to the SVB is great. I'm here now. Talking to Jay. Being cool.
Thats all!
Peace and Blessings!

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