Friday, October 22, 2004

The third day

Well I've gone three for three now so i'm doing much better than i had previously expected. i actually enjoy writing these silly entrys.. even though no one has been leaving comments.. i don;t even know if anyone is reading this crap . haha. Again i'm home on my luch break. I'm actually in Raylenes room now using the dsl.. My friend Emma is suppose to cal from London so I don't want to hold up the phone line with dial up. Although she was supposed to call at 1:00 and its 1:30 now so i doubt she's gonna call.

I'm supposed to go see a movie tonight. i'm not sure which one to go see though. I think me and sean and Ash and Steve and Kayla and lil leo are suppose to go. I have my doubts that its gonna pull through though. Sean is supposed to come over anyway so at least i won;t be totally bored all night. ;)

I was kind of looking forward to ranting about something but now for the life of me i cannot remember what it was. don't you just hate that. You spend all this time thinking about how important something is and then at the precise moment al that thinkking is suppose to show.. you just forget and you look like a total clutz? Oh well such is my life. i've never been the most graceful person now have i? I don;t mean you know a physical clutz.. i mean a mental one.. just for those of you who are confused.

I may write later on tonight but right now i can't stand being in the freezer of a room any longer and i have given up hope that a\emma will call so adieu

Peace and Blessings! :)

1 comment:

RyanB said...

Hey Rhonda

That pic didn't show up, if you want to have it pop up use this:

< img src="" >
(delete the spaces between < and img also " and >)
