Sunday, October 31, 2004

The Lost post..

I know I told some of you about my adventures downtown on friday night (which was absolutly awesome btw) . When I got home about 4am on saturday morning I attepmted to make a post on my blog here. But it went missing. Today however during my routine of checking my SFU webmail i came across an email from myself, which was infact my blog post. How did I manage to do that? it shall forever remain a mystery. But here friends is the copied and pasted version of my night through my drunken eyes.

2nite was rfiggin awesooooooooooome. i;md not a skank thou i promsise. kayals sayss i was cosi kissed some dude. ooooooh wlel !! hhaha steve went back to the goudls all alogne in acab !! !hahaha i thoughts i coudls dance sos]c\ iw as drunekd. iw as up onm te thingy with murrdoggfg and kayal! I loveeee murrrrrrrrdoggggggg. I msis ded pokey though :( bed tiekk! i have tpg go to the townhallls lates to maked children cri!

Peacev and blesssingd!


Anonymous said...

wow. thats unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

rhondu i love you tooo!!!!!!!
we had too much fun dt and cant wait to go wit yee all again!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha rhonda u r such a skank..don't even try to argue

RyanB said...

W00t your first drunken post...Some of my fraternity brothers type pretty well while drunk.

Anonymous said...

hehehe glad to hear ya had a fun weekend!!!
coffee wednesday??? call me! better not forget