Friday, June 30, 2006

Fly Paper

Why am I such fly paper for reatards? Honestly I cannot be alone in a public place for more than five minutes without being approached by somebody who thinks i may be their long lost daughter or someone who just has to touch my feet because they're soooo small. What is it about me that makes me so approachable? Why am I the target for the rejects of society. And even better why are most of them my Ex Boyfriends and people I have dated in the past?

Sometimes I question myself. All this weird crap happens to me. People say "Rhonda its not your fault" but when you look at all of the situations the only constant in all of them is me. Statistically speaking, then I must be the cause... right?

so why.. why am I the one who can't take the metrobus because an old man thinks i'm his grand daughter.. and why do the guys who work at places like buck or two and irving always have to hit on me? Am I wearing a sign that I'm oblivious to?

What sparked this in me today? Well I was riding the elevator this morning in the UC and this guy, I guess he would be in his 30's is in there with me. And i'm just standing there minding my own business waiting to get to the 4th floor and this guy starts getting closer to me And i can hear him counting quietly.. then he reaches out his arm and starts kinda of softly poking it in different spots.. and I pull away and he keeps going.. so finally after two or tree pokes, i say what are you doing... and he looks at me and smiles and says "counting your freckles"... How do i react to that? I have a look of shock and disbelief on my face.. I don't get a word out the door opens and I bolt onto the 3rd floor and walk the rest of the way. Creepiest thing ever.

The worst part is this story probably won't shock a lot of people reading. as something like this happens to me at least once a week. Why just me? haha.. I guess it makes life interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if psychical is even a word. But it's likely that individual has mental problems yes.
It's also quite likely that he is the parent of a Camp Whatchamacallit camper, of which 75% appear to have some form of mental disability.
Anyway, I'll visit you later at your office!