Thursday, November 24, 2005

You know what pisses me off?

Nothing! Yeah thats right nothing!

I've been reading some of my friends blogs lately and it has come to my attention, you people hate a lot of things., Its rant after Rant about the useless crap that makes your life so dreadful. Wake up people! Life is a beautiful miraculous thing and you should thank your lucky stars every day you get to take another breath and witness another day on God's beautiful earth. I know I used to be equally as guilty as some of you, ranting and raving about how horrible life was, but you know what - that was crap. I have an amazing life filled with amazing people and amazing experiences. There are so many wonderful things on this earth, who cares if someone doesn't like the way I dress, or the cashiers at wal mart are too slow.. right now at this very moment someone loves you and wishes nothing but the best for you! How can you not greet the world with open arms, put aside the few negative aspects of your life and embrace all the good that you have? You people are way to cranky when you write and you're very seldom show appreciation of all the good that you have. You woke up this morning thats all the reason in the world to fall on your knees and thank God ( Or science - whatever it is you believe) that you have what you do. So here's a list of some of the things i'm thankful for..

1. My health
2. My family
3. My friends
4. My boyfriend
5. A roof over my head
6. The oppertunity to get a good education
7. The extra weight I carry around ( that means I have enough to eat)
8. Music
9. Laughter
10. Cuddles
11. Smiles from strangers
12. The parking guy who says good morning
13. Clocktower password
14. The faith that I have
15. Good books
16. Love
17. being loved
18. Living where I do
19. having a warm bed to sleep in
20. A pink unicorn
21. dancing
22. singing
23. rent
24. dreams
25. fantasies

And I made that list in under a minute. Come on guys.. show me that you're optimistic too.. what makes your life so fantastic?

Monday, November 21, 2005

English 2002

I'm sitting here in English 2002 - Drama. I dont know why I bother coming here. I never pay attention. I should. I had a paper due last friday I haven't started yet. However the Prof said we don't actually have to hand it in on time because he hasn't finished our last papers yet. Glad to see he's on the ball with things. Funny part is i'm acually doing a class with him next semster. Oh well. At least I know he's an easy marker.

So onto my updates. What did I do this weekend you ask? well Friday I went to see harry Potter. First showing of the day and only 15 people in the theatre. People really need to learn the secrets of Mt Pearl Square. It was a really good movie. I enjoyed it. Me and Darcy then hung out for the remainder of the night. went on a quest for chocolate cake and then I fell asleep before I could eat it.. come to think of it I still haven't. Dammit, now I want my chocolate cake. Yesterday I went to see my Grandpa. I really need to start visiting him more. He's getting old, and confused, his health isn't what it used to be and he lives farther from me now. I miss my poppy. I miss the days from back home, waking up at 6am raising the flag and fishing in the river with him *sigh* Its sad to watch the health of someone you love so dearly slip away. He's 94 though, i can't expect much more.

So I posted some song lyrics a few posts ago, "You" by Amy Lee. Its a really pretty song and I think everyone should listen to it. I have - 271 times since saturday. hehe.

So heres what I gather, after thinking things through today and yesterday. After next semester I will have all of my arts requirements done. I'll have 4 sociology courses done and 6 english courses done. that means I have 8 courses left to do 6 english and 2 sociology so i think its a pretty reasonable goal to set for myself to graduate next april. Can you believe it? Little Rhonda Pittman with a university degree and all grown up. After i get that done its my next goal to move out on my own. Partially because I want to go work on my PR program, quite possibly in Ontario, and partially because I'm begining to be sufficated in my house. My God, Cut the cord parents. Its getting a bit ridiculous that i'm 20 years old, they know where I am and how to get a hold of me and they want me home by 1am on a saturday night. I need my independence. I work a lot better when I'm given that and its hard for me to function properly with thtem breathing down my neck all of the time. Oh well. all in due time I suppose.

Well I think I'll pay a bit of attention now. Comments?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Just a thought before bed.

After 20 years I still have the same friends. I still have the same values and I still want the same things out of life. Is it determination or conformity? I like to think determination. I'm so happy with my life again. I didn't think I could find this happiness. I didn't think I could be so content. Things are falling into place. I'm looking at Graduating in April 2007. Getting my life started, seriously. I'm ready to be an adult and I'm ready to start with a real life. And I think I can finally do it.
Any thoughts?


The words have been drained from this pencil
Sweet words that I want to give you
And I can't sleep I need to tell you Goodnight
When we're together, I feel perfect
When I'm pulled away from you, I fall apart
All you say is sacred to me
Your eyes are so blue I can't look away
As we lay in the stillness
You whisper to me Amy, marry me
Promise you'll stay with me
Oh you don't have to ask me
You know you're all that I live for
You know I'd die just to hold you
Stay with you Somehow
I'll show you That you are my night sky
I've always been right behind you
Now I'll always be right beside you
So many nights I cried myself to sleep
Now that you love me, I love myself
I never thought I would say this
I never thought there'd be You

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I'm being a sook and I had surgery today.. please do this and cheer me up.

Tell me one nice thing about me:
Who I remind you of:
The first thing that come to mind when you hear my name:
My best physical feature:
My worst physical feature:
The fondest memory you have of me:
A song that reminds you of me:
When did you meet me:
What was your first impression of me:
Have I changed your life:

Monday, November 14, 2005

My attempt at a real Blog

So here I am sitting in s study room with the Love of my life Aaron Critch and my lesbian Kayla kinda bored. Wasting time as I have to be here until sometime after 7 tonight. Damn work commitments. This semester has been insanely busy. 5 courses. 2 jobs. social life. volunteer work. deadpan. Craziness I say.

So what did this long weekend hold for me? Not a whole lot really. I seen Get Rich or Die trying on friday. That was a pretty hardcore movie. A lot better that I had expected it to be. Saturday I went shopping with my mother and father. Dear God I wanted to poke my eyes out with a pointy stick. Just because I stop to glace at the engament rings DOES NOT MEAN I'M GETTING MARRIED ANYTIME SOON.

Saturday night was Ashleighs party. I got stoned. Not on purpose, however, yeah i'll never mix cold medication and alcohol again. Good thing I have a super boyfriend to bring me home and put me to bed.

So lets have a little talk about the flu. which i am currently suffering massively from. This is how i figure it. I caught it from Aaron, who suffered mildly from a runny nose and what he liked to call that rudolph glow. then I, in turn suffered like a sonovabitch since friday. fever cough, runny nose, chills, mild nausea. NOw Darcy is vomiting plus all of my symtomns as well. this Flu virus is mutating wildly and it eventually going to wip out the human race as we know it.. and all i have to say about that is DAMN YOU AARON CRITCH!!!!!

On another note.. Scheduled for surgery at 12:00 tomorrow. Thank God. I'm not sure how much more of this incessant pain I can take. Three full days off! hot stuff. Movies and cuddles with my super duper boyfriend :) (Sorry Kurtis, I know another entry about my boyfriend.. what are you gonna do)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Smirnoff + Advil cold and sinus = Sudden Death

So.. new discovery. Advil and smirnoff do not mix. they knock you out and make you sicker than before. Last night was awesome though, I'm quite sad that i was in no physical state to enjoy it. sorry that i may have put a damper on the mood guys. You're all awesome. Thanks for being worried about my drunk/stoned ass.

So the last of the fab four are 20. What will this 20th year hold for all of us? Who knows! 19 was awesome.. lets see if we can top it! Love you girls!!!

I love Darcy

I have the bets boyufrifne d itn the whole world bevacie he loves me and takes care o me ahwne i'm sick and doesn't let me etthe etorbus after surgueys. He's so sweet and kind and caring adn he makes me feel slike i shoudl ebe loved, cos eveyoe else amd eme feel lieka buren to the, because i'm stiupd somthing and i dostudpi thisng. but he loevs me and i love him and that makes e happy cos he dint' break my haear and he posised that he would not leave me.