Sunday, October 31, 2004

The Lost post..

I know I told some of you about my adventures downtown on friday night (which was absolutly awesome btw) . When I got home about 4am on saturday morning I attepmted to make a post on my blog here. But it went missing. Today however during my routine of checking my SFU webmail i came across an email from myself, which was infact my blog post. How did I manage to do that? it shall forever remain a mystery. But here friends is the copied and pasted version of my night through my drunken eyes.

2nite was rfiggin awesooooooooooome. i;md not a skank thou i promsise. kayals sayss i was cosi kissed some dude. ooooooh wlel !! hhaha steve went back to the goudls all alogne in acab !! !hahaha i thoughts i coudls dance sos]c\ iw as drunekd. iw as up onm te thingy with murrdoggfg and kayal! I loveeee murrrrrrrrdoggggggg. I msis ded pokey though :( bed tiekk! i have tpg go to the townhallls lates to maked children cri!

Peacev and blesssingd!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

My Last Day Underage

So here I am .. on the eve of my anniversary of birth. I went shopping again tonight. Can you guess where I spent 80 $'s? Haha well if You can't then you really don;t know me that well. Yes.. i got 2 shirts and a pair of jeans at OLD NAVY! Happy birthday to me! hehe. Kayla and I had a laugh.. haha I took like a million things into the dressing room. I would have had some great clothes if I only had some boobs :( alas.. I was blessed in the trunk but not the hood. lol Not that there is anything wrong with my ghetto bootay. So just for anyone who was wondering My birthday supper is tomorrow night at eight oclock at jungle jims on topsail rd. everyone is invited to go.. this means you! so be there!

on Another note.. my doctors office calls tonight.. umm excuse me ... wanna come get your tonsils out on tuesday lol. Way to give me notice guys! I know i have to get them out but i do need to give work notcie of my WEEK off! I don't even care that i can't eat.. i get a WEEK OFF!! woot! I haven't had a WEEK OFF in waaaaaay over a year! yaaaay! I hate no tonsil food though. ice cream.. yogurt.. popsicles.. jello... ewww! at least i don;t have to eat.... coleslaw... yuk!!! haha
anyway i'm out.

Peace and Blessings

I'm a bit late today!

I just got home from the mall with the girls. OMG what a fun night. I never laughed so hard as I did when we left burgar king. You know you're cracking up when the guy in the car next to you is laughing his butt off with you. Kayla why did you have to moan the way you did when Ash sat on my huge hump haha. Fuun times.
I actually went out with the intention to buy some sexy new clothes for my big birthday weekend (side note just a day and an hour left until my birthday!) Alas i could not find anything sexy enough for one as sexy as myself, so i just got some sexy new panties.. anyone wanna see? hmm well if you do you'll have to leave comments. yeah .. thats right , i'm bribing people for comments now. I just feel like all my writing is in vein if no one comments. exceot for my loyal Erin. hehe we need to have some chats soon. oooh girl do i have some of our signature stories for you .. hey .. what do you think *he* will give me for *my* birthday! haha. I'm in a silly mood. so i'm going to stop writing before i make myself out to be an idiot.

Peace and Blessings!

BTW anyone wanna hang out tomorrow night?

Monday, October 25, 2004

My Adventures Of Today

Birthday Countdown: 3 days!!

So its only 1:12 in the afternoon and already today i've gotten myself in a mess of trouble. First off my hair is orange. Yes thats right.. orange. Why you may ask.. well i had my kindergarten kids at work making Jack-o-lantern masks and somehow without my knowing it they started painting my ony tail. Then I got sent to three and four year old room , where i discovered our pumpkin looked kinda fousty. So i decided to bring it to the kitchen , yet when i went to lift it my hand went through the side and into its moldy interior. Need I say Nasty? I cried. It was soooo disgusting! and now i just came home and chatted for a lil while before i decided to make my lunch. Now anyone who knows anything about me can tell you me and the kitchen , we just don;t mix. So i decided i wanted some toast. now me and the toaster haven't been gettign along very well lately therefore i put my bread in the oven and turned it to broil. I went to pee and when i came back the damn stuff was black. so i tried to remove it from the oven but it fell between the rack and onto the element where it burst into flames. I swear to God i'm going to eat carrots and dip until my mom and dad get home from Panama. LOL I've been such a victim since last night. Ever since i got the crap scared out of me by the phone ringing at 12:30.. thanks Evan.. I thought my parents were dead. I kept waking up like every hour after from some horrible dream that they had been lost at sea. I have such an over active imagination in the night time. But with a day starting out like this i am only left to wonder.. how the hell will the rest of it go.. can i make it? lol

Peace and blessings!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

This is just for you!

I had such a great night tonight. If you will notice the time on this entry I will tell you I just got home about 15 minutes ago. I met the most interesting boy tonight. And it may come as a shock to some readers but I don't have not one bad thing to say about him. He was quite sweet and quite charming. I can't believe 4 hours just flew by so fast actually. I would go into the whole story about how this night came about .. But I really don't feel it necessary but it was actually a long time in the making. I'm just glad this person was as undestanding as they were and was so easy to talk to. I just wanted to know everything about him and I still do, much to his surprise it seemed. I just want him to know that I had a very very good time tonight.

So now I sit here.. wide awake at 3:30 in the morning wondering what I should do... any suggestions?

Saturday, October 23, 2004

The morning after.

So we did end up going to the movie last night. It was kinda fun.. yet kinda awkward at the same time. It was Ash and Steven and Me and Sean and Kayla. Me and Sean were kind of flirting the whole night.. and he came back here afterwards.. he didn;t leave until like 1:30. I know what you're thinking but I swear it wasn;t like that. He's so easy to talk to. Not many people can get me to talk like he can. He's the only one who;s noticed there has been something not right about me lately and he finally got me to talk about it last night. I just haven;t been happy about the way people have been talking about me so much lately .. and discussing things that are really none of their business. But Sean made a lot of sense in telling me i really shouldn't care what anyone else thinks of me. The only opinion that counts about me is my own. so let this be a public service announcement: I'M NOT A WHORE! and i will no longer defend myself about who i have and have not slept with because its no ones damn buisness. I'm just going to let people think what they want to think from now on, because frankly i dont care anymore. the people who care about me know the truth and thats all that matters. ANyway thats too much seriousness for one day.

There are only 5 days left until my birthday! Downtown next friday night!! woooooot! Anyone who wants to acompany us is more than welcome! anyway its time for me to go to the gym. Uhhh i'd rather be slapped in the face.

Peace and Blessings! :)

Friday, October 22, 2004

The third day

Well I've gone three for three now so i'm doing much better than i had previously expected. i actually enjoy writing these silly entrys.. even though no one has been leaving comments.. i don;t even know if anyone is reading this crap . haha. Again i'm home on my luch break. I'm actually in Raylenes room now using the dsl.. My friend Emma is suppose to cal from London so I don't want to hold up the phone line with dial up. Although she was supposed to call at 1:00 and its 1:30 now so i doubt she's gonna call.

I'm supposed to go see a movie tonight. i'm not sure which one to go see though. I think me and sean and Ash and Steve and Kayla and lil leo are suppose to go. I have my doubts that its gonna pull through though. Sean is supposed to come over anyway so at least i won;t be totally bored all night. ;)

I was kind of looking forward to ranting about something but now for the life of me i cannot remember what it was. don't you just hate that. You spend all this time thinking about how important something is and then at the precise moment al that thinkking is suppose to show.. you just forget and you look like a total clutz? Oh well such is my life. i've never been the most graceful person now have i? I don;t mean you know a physical clutz.. i mean a mental one.. just for those of you who are confused.

I may write later on tonight but right now i can't stand being in the freezer of a room any longer and i have given up hope that a\emma will call so adieu

Peace and Blessings! :)

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Here I am Again

So.. it seems i've been able to make two posts at least. Thats a start right? I'm going to try and write an entry on my luch break every day from work seeing as how i am given two hours. Do they think I need that much time to eat?

I really enjoy my new job. sooo much better than working at subway thats for sure. icccky i'll never be able to eat that stuff again. My entree today.. swanson microwave dinner of chicken nuggets and fries. Oh god i miss my mommy . I'm waaaay too spoiled for my own good! how shall i ever make it on my own!? I'm learning though. I pumped my OWN gas last night all by MYSELF! thats a great feat for one like myself! I also went and got my own groceries last night.. lets hear it for Rhonda!

In response to a comment I got on my last entry.. I don't mean to bash guys. I was just resolving some bitterness towards someone i shall call D. Sheppard.. no.. wait thats too obvious.. we'll call him Darren S. yes that will do. I love men! what girl doesn't?...well except lesbians. I've actually met some very nice guys lately. Spent some time with one last night! he's a great guy! i enjoy his company.. even though he says excellent a lot.. and is quite tardy.. hehe jus jokin! and then theres always trusty Sean. My buddy Ol' Pal. I loves him to pieces I do! And then my trusty guy friends that are always there! Stefan is awesome. and even though we went out for three years we can still hang out with very limited weirdness. I'll always love him! and Hayden.. my girlfriend. even though i don;t see him that often anymore he's still my super hero who doesn't even need a cape! And i could never forget Adam Joe! I love that kid! and ches and lenny and chandima.. the list is endless. I, in no way , intended to sound bitter towards guys.. so therebore i apologize to all men out there besides Darren S.

I'm also going to tell ya'll about how excited i am for my 19th birthday which is now only SEVEN days away! I'm uber excited to go downtown with my girls and get crazy! We're also going out to supper that night so anyone who wants the details on when and where can just get me on msn or on my cell phone because i'm obviously not going to post them here , but everyone is welcome to come. Consider this an open invitation. yaaay for legal age! hehe

So thats about it for today. Guess i'll go take a nap or clean my room . considering I have people coming over tonight and i'm buried in my own filth at this point. Pleas leave your comments and keep it real!

Peace and Blessings!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Lets give this a try.

I've always been looking for a place to just vent. Yet I find myself with no motivation to write. My life however has taken an eventful turn so quite possibly I may have more to write about. Three months from now I will find myself packing all my things and moving a gazillion miles across this great country of ours to start a new life in Vancouver Bc. Why you may ask? well its actually quite simple: I hate Newfoundland. Ok well maybe hate is a strong work. I just don't like the limitations such a small place set on someone with such big dreams. I fell i have more to offer and more to give then what Newfoundland can take so to speak. So now i am in the process of planning this long journey from home and i could not be happier.

Also just in the past few months I have found myself thrust back into the scary world of dating after being removed from it for three years. I enjoyed my time out but i'm also enjoying being back in. Its different to say the least and i have met some weeeeeeeeeirdos, for lack of a better term. and some complete jackass's (thats the perfect term). Why is that some guys cannot be friends with a woman without expecting sex? its not like we owe them something for their stimulating conversation (note the sarcastim in that statement). Ugh ... I truly hope the guy i'm talking about see's how bitter i am towards him. I met this guy who told me that he could no longer be my friend and i had to choose between a relationship with him , being friends with "benefits" or nothing at all. I'm glad in a way he made the choice so simple for me.. I obviously chose nothing. I mean it would have been better had he just blatently said " I want to use you for sex ok?" Men!

All i can say is.. I hope the men in BC are better ;) Thats all for now!

Peace and Blessings!