Monday, April 10, 2006

What I'm Thankful For...

Dear Friends,
Sometimes I feel like there are not enough hours in a day. I am on a mission to save the world, and I let that get the better of me sometimes. You are the loves of my life. You are the reason I get up in the morning. It's because of you I want to make the world a better place. I want the rest of the world to know the happiness and joy I feel when I'm with you (if I have ever called you friend, I mean you). You are such amazing people. I don't know what I'd be without you. Too often we take time to complain about the lives we live and we don't take the time to be grateful for the people and the experiences we have. These are the things in my life, right now, that I'm thankful for:

1. The ability to sit and listen to you tell me about your lives. You are all such interesting people with such interesting stories, and I am thankful I get to be witness to that experience for you.

2. Having someone understand. It seems no matter what I go through, because I have so many wonderful people I always have someone that can be there to support me , because they understand.

3. Forgiveness. I have done a lot of stupid things, and I know I am not always the best friend. But I am thankful you forgive me , because you know I have the best intentions, and that I have a tendancy to spread myself much too thin.

4. Humility. I am thankful I don't have to be perfect when I am with you. I can let my guard down and be silly sometimes.

5. Faith. You make me believe anything is possible if I put my mind to it. You are all capable of so much , and it is you who inspire me to push myself to go further every day, for that I am thankful.

6. Tolerence. We are all so different yet so much alike ,I am thankful that you teach me no matter how differnt we are, we share the common bond of the here and now.

7. Connection. Np matter how far apart , or how distant we may be, I know that should I ever need you, whether we are apart for 20 minutes or 20 years, I am thankful I can count on you at any time. Thats true friendship.

8. Opportuinty. I am thankful for all of the oppotunities that you have bestowed upon me for as long as I have known you.

9. Experience. ALmost anything I have learned in life, I have leanred through you or with you. You have always been with me, through everything and I am thankful I had you to laugh with, cry with, or survive with.

10. Love. I am thankful that for my 20 years of life I have had someone to love me and to show that love to in return.

You are my everything. You have been my sanity in my insane life. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
