Monday, October 25, 2004

My Adventures Of Today

Birthday Countdown: 3 days!!

So its only 1:12 in the afternoon and already today i've gotten myself in a mess of trouble. First off my hair is orange. Yes thats right.. orange. Why you may ask.. well i had my kindergarten kids at work making Jack-o-lantern masks and somehow without my knowing it they started painting my ony tail. Then I got sent to three and four year old room , where i discovered our pumpkin looked kinda fousty. So i decided to bring it to the kitchen , yet when i went to lift it my hand went through the side and into its moldy interior. Need I say Nasty? I cried. It was soooo disgusting! and now i just came home and chatted for a lil while before i decided to make my lunch. Now anyone who knows anything about me can tell you me and the kitchen , we just don;t mix. So i decided i wanted some toast. now me and the toaster haven't been gettign along very well lately therefore i put my bread in the oven and turned it to broil. I went to pee and when i came back the damn stuff was black. so i tried to remove it from the oven but it fell between the rack and onto the element where it burst into flames. I swear to God i'm going to eat carrots and dip until my mom and dad get home from Panama. LOL I've been such a victim since last night. Ever since i got the crap scared out of me by the phone ringing at 12:30.. thanks Evan.. I thought my parents were dead. I kept waking up like every hour after from some horrible dream that they had been lost at sea. I have such an over active imagination in the night time. But with a day starting out like this i am only left to wonder.. how the hell will the rest of it go.. can i make it? lol

Peace and blessings!

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