Friday, June 30, 2006

Fly Paper

Why am I such fly paper for reatards? Honestly I cannot be alone in a public place for more than five minutes without being approached by somebody who thinks i may be their long lost daughter or someone who just has to touch my feet because they're soooo small. What is it about me that makes me so approachable? Why am I the target for the rejects of society. And even better why are most of them my Ex Boyfriends and people I have dated in the past?

Sometimes I question myself. All this weird crap happens to me. People say "Rhonda its not your fault" but when you look at all of the situations the only constant in all of them is me. Statistically speaking, then I must be the cause... right?

so why.. why am I the one who can't take the metrobus because an old man thinks i'm his grand daughter.. and why do the guys who work at places like buck or two and irving always have to hit on me? Am I wearing a sign that I'm oblivious to?

What sparked this in me today? Well I was riding the elevator this morning in the UC and this guy, I guess he would be in his 30's is in there with me. And i'm just standing there minding my own business waiting to get to the 4th floor and this guy starts getting closer to me And i can hear him counting quietly.. then he reaches out his arm and starts kinda of softly poking it in different spots.. and I pull away and he keeps going.. so finally after two or tree pokes, i say what are you doing... and he looks at me and smiles and says "counting your freckles"... How do i react to that? I have a look of shock and disbelief on my face.. I don't get a word out the door opens and I bolt onto the 3rd floor and walk the rest of the way. Creepiest thing ever.

The worst part is this story probably won't shock a lot of people reading. as something like this happens to me at least once a week. Why just me? haha.. I guess it makes life interesting.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Life is short.

Something I've heard a lot of over the past few weeks. Although it may be the longest thing any of us will ever know it still seems like we have so much to acomplish in so little time when you put it all into perspective.

That being said I've had a lot of commentary on my life over the past number of weeks as well. That I'm doing this wrong or that wrong or should pay more attention to this and less to that. I don't understand why people would want to say such things or take up such an interest in my life but hey, if you're interested I might as well take into consideration what you have to say. So I invite you to be 100% completely honest in my comments section and tell me how I can live my life to the fullest.. what do you think I could change to make my time on this earth amazing. I'm not saying I will do these things, but I'm always open to a little suggestion...What do you think?

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Healing my Heart

Me In Renews at the Grotto today

It's been a rough week. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't. BUt today really helped. It's amazing what some salt air in your lungs can do for your soul. Darcy and I left early this afternoon and droveto Renews. It was amazing. We went to the Grotto and the Church, the Cemetary, the Mount, stopped into Jim and Ted's, went to Bear cove and met a lovely Irish couple and listened to the waves crashing on the beach.

I've been feeling absolutely miserable this week. I just feel like I've jumped back into my normally hectic life way to fast and I just haven't given myself time to let this all sink in. My family has dramatically changed. I don't have any grandparents left. I'll never get my pictures taken with my poppy in my wedding dress like all the rest of my cousins, things like that. But today, being in Renews, doing things I used to do when I was a child, really made me feel refreshed and renewed. There isn't anything like running through knee high dewy grass and letting your hair go curly because of the spume from the ocean and the fog in the air. Just standing there and watching giant waves pound against the shore.. hearing the rocks clack against each other as each wave goes in and out. It really healed my heart. I feel like I can go back to work now and put my head and my heart back into it.

At that I don't really have much else to say. Thank you for bringing me there today Darcy. You truly are the best

Here's to life that goes round on wheels
Death is a thing that every man feels
If life were a thing that money could buy
The rich would live, and the poor would die.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Eulogy for Poppy Pittman - August 29,1911 - May 30, 2006

One of my earliest childhood memories is waking up in Renews really early in the morning just to be able to raise the flags with poppy. Hoist away, hoist away he’d say, as I pulled with all of my might to get them all of the way to the top. I couldn’t tie the knot all by myself but I remember watching paying great attention to how he did it, in hopes that one day I’d do it all by myself. Well I’m all grown up now. I’m 20 years old; I haven’t raised a flag in ages. But I think its time I tie that knot for my grandfather. How can I put into just a few minutes words what a man had become and accomplished over 95 years of life? For most of us seeing that age is unfathomable. But if he felt his age he rarely showed it. No matter what the occasion optimism, health and humor was always retained by my grandfather. Not once did I ever hear him complain of aches or pain and he thanked god every time I saw him that he still had his health and strength, He realized, even up until last time we spoke that he was so lucky to have lived life the way he did. His life was so fulfilled; to have traveled the world, survived world wars and to have seen things change so drastically over the course of his lifetime. He lived a life many can only wish for and few are blessed with having; A huge loving and supportive family and an endless network of friends and loved ones. As one can imagine a lot of things have been said between these four walls over the past number of days about my Poppy Pittman, and one of those certainly cannot be denied. What a legacy for a man to leave behind; 11 children, 32 grandchildren, 26 great grandchildren and a great-great grand child. The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it, and to live to see his family continued on for five generations is something spectacular. Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean. His strong spirit, wisdom and most certainly his sense of humor is shown in each of his children and has been passed down into all of us, and I am so thankful to have had such a positive role model in my life for the past twenty years. What he left behind is not what will be engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others. Providing all of us not only with warm meals and a place to lay our heads whenever the need should arise but leaving this amazing circle of love and hope in our family, people who mirror his image, courage and adventuresome nature is something I will always be thankful for. I will never have to worry about forgetting the lessons and the memories because each of them is alive in all of us and they will never die as long as we keep them in our hearts. I would also like to take this opportunity extend my sincere gratitude to the staff of Kelly’s Personal Care home in the Goulds. I think I speak for all of us when I say Thank you for giving Poppy a HOME for six wonderful years in his life. I didn’t think it would ever be possible for him to call a place without my Grandmother home but through your love, care and attention he received that and you will always hold a special place in our hearts. My Grandfather was a very bright light in my life, someone I could look to for wisdom and strength. To quote a song written by Wayne Chaulk “He learned the lessons and took the pills that we find hard to swallow, and his memory now will guide me as I sail the stormy seas, no, I won’t forget my old granddad, he’s a part of me.” When I look for my wisdom now I’ll think of that light that my grandfather brought to my life, the way he cheered me up when everything seemed dark. He was always the lamp that lit the darkest of corners in life. With that being said I’ll finish by saying something only those who spent a good bit of time at the house in Renews would understand.. Duck your head mudder, the lamp is coming. Hoist away poppy, I love you.