Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Why The Move? And Other Buisness.

Seems I have been getting some weird messages from people who are accusing me of being something i'm obviously not. So i decided I would move my blog and not give the person i suspected it to be the address to see if it goes away. That being said.. if you're reading this now.. its not you :)
So i Haven't made a apost in awhile. I apologize for that. Been that time of year again when we start having midterms. They ones i've had thus far haven't been that bad so i can't complain. HOwever i will complain now. because its what I do best. I have to go to not one.. but two different doctors today. And anyone who knows me knows one of them is among my greatest fears. I Have to go to the dentist today. Usually its not so bad because i get gased, but today i have to drive myself .. so i can't get gased. And i have to go to the eye doctor right after :( i'm pertrified. My tummy is doing flipity flops :( Anyway i shouldn't really be talking about it because it only makes it worse.
I applied to go back working at the rec centre today for this summer. Only difference is i finally applied for the coordinator postion. I mean i've worked there just as long as anyone else thats on staff now.. day camp for three years. Who knows the job better than me. My first year there i was basically sitting there with Roc doing the work with her. Iknow what I'm doing. I realllly hpe i get this job. God this summer would be AWESOME then. I love camp and i just wanna help make it better.. (did that sound as dorky as i preceive it?)
Anyway I really don't have that much more to say. I have to go get ready to go anyway :( uggh i'll let you know how it went! Thanks for reading guys!

Peace and Blessings

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