I've been dying. Yes thats right I'm sorry to inform you I'm pretty sure my death is upon me. I've had Effing bronchitis for almost four weeks now, i'm on antibiotics but I see no sign of improvment. So i've come to the very educated medical conclusion that my body is rotting from the inside out starting with my lungs and I will soon be dead. or at least thats how it feels. I actually took a day off on monday, despite having a million things to do this week I really felt the need to rest and get better. I killed superwoman. I realized a sick girl can't save the world if she can't save her self. But alas, my day off did me no good. So I took the night off from rehearsal last night too but I still feel no better. I feel so useless when I'm like this. I have so many things to do, and i really can't do them properly when I feel like this. Its horrible. anyone who knows anything about me knows I do everything. and by no strech of the imagination I mean everything. But for the past week I've gotten very little acomplished and that bothers me.
I can't really write a blog this week without making an honorable mention of the Federal Election. I have a feeling the new motto of Canada will soon be Hail Harper. haha ok maybe not that extreme. Luckily the conservatives have a small minority government, therefore no drastic changes can be made. Although I must voice my strong distaste for Mr. Harper. When i think of him I think about Bush sitting in the oval office controling him with a little race car controller. they even look alike. I'm pretty much sure Harper is a robot. I actually dislike him so much that I voted against my very own Loyola. Thats right. I got behind the little voter thingy and realized if I vote for Loyola I'll really have no right to complain about the PM. In that light I voted NDP. Be it a wasted ballot, as some people say, or a strategic vote, I don't care. Harper is not my fault now. but politics is boring to most people so i'll leave it there.
Work at the SVB is going super. Plans are underway for our VIP recognition ceremony and the 20th annual Volunteer day. Thats pretty exciting to me. I'm going to be recieving my bronze level VIP :) Do any of you care? Probably not! but I do :D I'm working on myu silver now. If you don't know what VIP is.. come visit me at UC 4001 and I'll let you know :) Or one of the friedly VA's will :)
Other than that school is going. I feel behind already but thats mostly due to my poor health since I started. Still not gtting to see a whole lot of Darcy but thats ok. He's busy and I'm busy. The tme we do get to spend together is just that much more special. and now time for my shameless plug

Yes.....you are welcome. I didn't mind plugging your scholarship hunt on my webpage last week as I"m sure you have noticed.
I hope it helped.
Also, the NDP is never a wasted ballot. Once Canada wakes up and has a government elector system set up like the Proportional Representation System in Germany and other more intelligent European countries it will all be good.
Hope you feel better soon!
Did you know that even when Rhond is sick she still has super powers? Super Beautiful, Super Kind, Super Sweet and Super Hot (not to be confused with Super Beautiful :D). Even when she's sick I feel like time between us goes too fast when we're together...it could be that either one of us has fallen asleep from exhaustian of our busy lives, but I like to think that when too people love each other this much, time gets jealous and speeds up. Well to that I say "Screw you time!", I want my Rhonda longer :). Sick, healthy, first thing in the morning, or even after day surgery she's still one spunky and beautiful (yet a little groggy) and great girlfriend....RHONDA FOR PM :D.
Love Darcy
Nooooooooooooooooo :-p
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