Friday, August 12, 2005

Here I am again

The will be my first "real"post in a while. I've been super busy with lots of super cool things to do, what with work and rehersals and all I barely get time for myself anymore. Which explains why I am here in my underroos in bed at 11pm on a friday night. I sometimes just enjoy getting to spend the night by myself and just relaxing. I had another one of those very stressful weeks so its nice to just sit here and not really worry about anything

So exciting news for the week, Well Janie ( the girl from Quebec who was working for me for 6 weeks) finished up at work today, we had a surprise party for her yesterday. I took her out to pick things up with me in the morning for the sleepover next week and while we were gone the kids decorated the gym. I was absolutely amazed at how pretty they made it in only two hors with some construction paper and tape. Its was really pretty. They did it in a hawaiian theme. She seemed really surprised and loved the gifts we gave her. The kids all signed a newfoundland flag and made cards for her and we also bought her a necklace and pendant made from labradorite in the shape of a puffin. It was really pretty. And I made her a dvd slide show of her summer she spent with us with lots of cute and funny pictures of the summer. I think she really enjoyed it.

As well, we went on a boat tour today. and as coordinator i took on the ruling task of taking two different boat tours today and enjoying the beautiful sun and ocean for four and a half hours. Its a tough job but someone has to do it. It was a nice way to end a tough week. next week however will be brutal. our special event s a sleepover and i'm working on reviving the old rec centre tradition of Kangaroo Kourt, which is proving to be a somewhat difficult task. However I am determined to revive said tradition to make the summer more fun like the ones I used to have way back in the day.

On another note I realized today that I'm going to be 20 very very soon. Thats insane. I mean it seems as if i just turned 19, and now here I am staring the barrel of 20. where does time go? Its been a tough year, but as I discovered the other day it actually contained the happiest moment of my lif thus far to date that I can remember. Someone asked me the other day if I could pinpoint the happiest moment of my life that i've lived so far. and I took a really long time to think about it. like hard and serious, and it may shock some people to know what I came up with.. Midnight of new years eve. I really can't remember being so pefectly happy as I was at that moment. I had everything I felt I wanted and needed and I was just so perfectly happy. But like all things real, good things must come to an end and thats over now, Im just very glad I got to enjoy that moment of shear bliss. I know some people aen't so fortunate as to ever experience that feeling that I had, and for that I'm very thankful. I think growing up is supposed to be tough. I think your'e supposed to jump from insanely happy to insanely depressed so easily so you can really experience what "grown up" life is about. because I think lifes moral really could be shit happens , but so does magic. you just have to be prepared. I don't mean to become so philosopical but people this really is what life is all about, its about living. its about gathering experiences, learning and appreciating things for what they are and what they offer. If you can;t take a lesson from a situation be it good or bad I don't think you're really living at all. EVERYTHING happens for a reason, and life is finding that reason.

This has actually become a bit of a long winded entry. But thats ok. I think its best I start wrting here more again. Its been too hard keeping my thoughts bottled up. anyway I'm going to get some beauty sleep, The Bavis Family reunion is tomorrow and I want to look my best. Have a wonderful night everyone. God Bless

Peace and Blessings

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you my Rhonda!
The General.