So I had.. well as the title says.. an Amazing weekend. Wonder why? You should know! .. hmm so this is what it feels like to be happy again.. *smile*.. *looks around*.. *huge smile*
That is all...
*big smile*
Monday, September 26, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
This week in the life of Ru..
So who remembers Zoiey Cobb? Turns out I'm going to be working with her! I got offered, and accepted, the MUCEP position as Program Assistant at the SVB ( Student Volunteer Bureau) yesterday and I must say I'm pretty damn excited about it. This is an amazing oppertunity for me and I'm really excited to get started, meet new people and be excited about work again. I love working.
In other news, the held over show went amazingly well and Janet decided that we will come back in two or three weeks time and do another multi-night run of either 2 or 3 nights. This is sooo amazing. I love Deadpan! hehe
So other than the new job, deadpan on its way to broadway.. or Gander (haha) and my amazing sleep deprivation there isn't really much more for me to say. My life since school started has been Class, Deadpan, sleep, and really not too much of the latter. Been getting to hang out with my friends at school a lil bit but other than that I haven't seen most people in ages. I'm begining to forget what Ashleigh looks like and that makes me sad :( . But all is good, Huge party next weekend. I shant know my name by the end of the night, it will be fun times. 98 3/4 percent guaranteed!
Peace and Blessings!
In other news, the held over show went amazingly well and Janet decided that we will come back in two or three weeks time and do another multi-night run of either 2 or 3 nights. This is sooo amazing. I love Deadpan! hehe
So other than the new job, deadpan on its way to broadway.. or Gander (haha) and my amazing sleep deprivation there isn't really much more for me to say. My life since school started has been Class, Deadpan, sleep, and really not too much of the latter. Been getting to hang out with my friends at school a lil bit but other than that I haven't seen most people in ages. I'm begining to forget what Ashleigh looks like and that makes me sad :( . But all is good, Huge party next weekend. I shant know my name by the end of the night, it will be fun times. 98 3/4 percent guaranteed!
Peace and Blessings!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I cannot express in words.. proud I am of Deadpan Alley right now. This weekend has been amazing for all of us. Friday nights show was amazing. We did awesome. However none of us expected what happened last night. Not only are we the first new group to sell out, we're the first group ever to sell out before the box office even opened! It may not sound like a big deal to everyone else but to us at Deadpan .. ITS HUGE!! And the show was an amazing success. I mean the reveiws aren't out yet, but even if they aren't great, who cares?! its one persons opinion on paper, The audience last night LOVED the show. Everybody had nothing but good things to say to us :)
Kayla, Murrdogg and Darcy got to go! as well as my sister and my dad. My daddy was so proud of me! And yes.. I am a daddy's girl.
After the show last night we went to Tim Hortons and Darcy came along. That made me really happy. He's my favorite. I've never met someone who makes me laugh so hard!
So what am I doing tonight you ask.,? why OUR SHOW GOT HELD OVER! We're doing another show tonight with the possibility of another three night run in three weeks time! This is soo amazing! I could have never asked to be involved with a greater group of people for this. people who deserve it soo soo much! So .. EVERYONE GO TO THE SHOW TONIGHT 8PM CURTAIN AT THE LSPU HALL!!!!!!!!
Kayla, Murrdogg and Darcy got to go! as well as my sister and my dad. My daddy was so proud of me! And yes.. I am a daddy's girl.
After the show last night we went to Tim Hortons and Darcy came along. That made me really happy. He's my favorite. I've never met someone who makes me laugh so hard!
So what am I doing tonight you ask.,? why OUR SHOW GOT HELD OVER! We're doing another show tonight with the possibility of another three night run in three weeks time! This is soo amazing! I could have never asked to be involved with a greater group of people for this. people who deserve it soo soo much! So .. EVERYONE GO TO THE SHOW TONIGHT 8PM CURTAIN AT THE LSPU HALL!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 12, 2005
New title!
So I've decided to Change the title of my blog to something a little more fitting than what it had been. Although I liked the title "Some Kind of Miracle" It just hadn't been right. So now I'm titled "Story About a Girl" as this blog as somewhat become the Story of me, who just happens to have a vagina. Imagine the possibilites ;)
Anyway, so I had a pretty boring weekend. Was at the Breezeway on friday with Janine and two new friends of ours, Chris and Dennis. It was really fun. However it was really loud there and I'm sad to say I missed most of the nights conversation. Its getting really frustrating to me how bad my hearing has gotten just over the past year. I think its time I stop cheating on my hearing tests and owning up to the fact that I need help.
Saturday.. hmm what did I do saturday.. RIGHT! I went to see the Exorcism of Emily Rose with Darcy. It was a good movie but nothing at all like what I had expected. Well at least I didn't cry! Then I finally got to get DQ after a week of waiting for it I got my DQ! It was awesome! I ate like half ofa sundae! I'm an animal! Then saturday night I was forced into going to my aunts birthday party / going away party for my cousin. Ive decided I either need to start going to family functions or stop all together. Two of my first cousins tried to pick me up, not recognizing who I was. Then I had half of the family tell me how fat I was, the other half telling me i was too skinny and all of them picking on me for being single, and asking where stefan was. WE BROKE UP OVER A YEAR AGO!!!! GET OVER IT!! *hehe*
Yesterday did a lil family trip out to town and then worked Bingo last night. Nothing overly exciting. So all in all it was a pretty boring weekend. Hopefully this weekend coming will be much more exciting What with The Birdcage that everyone is going to attend either friday night at the parish hall at 8:00 for $8 admission or Monday night at the LSPU hall for $12 admission It should be fun times :) Anyway I'm off to nap or something before I have to reherse or something again.
Peace and Blessings
Anyway, so I had a pretty boring weekend. Was at the Breezeway on friday with Janine and two new friends of ours, Chris and Dennis. It was really fun. However it was really loud there and I'm sad to say I missed most of the nights conversation. Its getting really frustrating to me how bad my hearing has gotten just over the past year. I think its time I stop cheating on my hearing tests and owning up to the fact that I need help.
Saturday.. hmm what did I do saturday.. RIGHT! I went to see the Exorcism of Emily Rose with Darcy. It was a good movie but nothing at all like what I had expected. Well at least I didn't cry! Then I finally got to get DQ after a week of waiting for it I got my DQ! It was awesome! I ate like half ofa sundae! I'm an animal! Then saturday night I was forced into going to my aunts birthday party / going away party for my cousin. Ive decided I either need to start going to family functions or stop all together. Two of my first cousins tried to pick me up, not recognizing who I was. Then I had half of the family tell me how fat I was, the other half telling me i was too skinny and all of them picking on me for being single, and asking where stefan was. WE BROKE UP OVER A YEAR AGO!!!! GET OVER IT!! *hehe*
Yesterday did a lil family trip out to town and then worked Bingo last night. Nothing overly exciting. So all in all it was a pretty boring weekend. Hopefully this weekend coming will be much more exciting What with The Birdcage that everyone is going to attend either friday night at the parish hall at 8:00 for $8 admission or Monday night at the LSPU hall for $12 admission It should be fun times :) Anyway I'm off to nap or something before I have to reherse or something again.
Peace and Blessings
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Back to school - Back to life.

So here I am. Laying on my bed. Yesterday was my first day back to MUN. I love MUN. I really do. There are so many nice people to meet out there. I spent all of Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at orientation. Let me tell you being an orientation leader is MUCH more fun than being a first year. Holy poo.
Sunday was training. Me and Janine headed out there around 9ish. realized we knew next to nobody. That was fine we had eachother. We quickly learned that we had to dance. Thats right. I had to dance. The OV (orientation Volunteer) Boogie. Needless to say I was a lil scary. So we all lined up so that we spelled out MUN. And in this formation we met the man who became known as M, as we met him in the M. he was a really nice guy so he became our friend. Then M introduced us to Chris. Chris was a cool fellow indeed. So we finish training go home fine and dandy.
Monday I got to know a guy named Darcy. He was one of the POA's and reminded me a lot of my friend terry ( I know you don't like that but too bad he did! its not a bad thing) so we hung out most of Monday night at the breezeway. On Monday I also got the pleasure of getting to dance the OV boogie on the News. Right in front of the camera the whole time. dancing right next to the dean. I had to catch her when she fell. It was awesome. I also danced ballroom style in front of 2000 people. Just me and Sammy Seahawk. Its a really good thing i'm not shy. Haha
Tuesday was more fun times. Campus tour. Luncheon and again some more OV boogie. Got some people to sign my shirt. haha I never thought I could find someone with a dirtier mind than myself, Then I found Darcy. He's my hero lol and said goodbye to the first years
Yesterday was my first day of class. I had English 2390 first. My prof is frigging crazy. she seems like a bit of a bitch to me. My English 2000 prof was Michael Nolan. I had him for 1101 and I really liked him. So I was Pleased. My 2002 prof seems a lil off the wall but I think the course should be a breeze. Religous institutions I'm not so sure about. The prof seems nice enough but I hink its gonna be a lil boring. War And Aggression I had last night. the Prof is nuts. but in a good way. He is the world leader in his feild and had no issues with bragging that to us. He studies murders and serial killers for a living, you have to expect him to be a lil crazy. I only had one class with people I knew in it. Kim and Tabitha are in 2002 with me so it should be fun times.
I don't have classes on tuesday or thursday so thats pretty awesome. I have rehersal tonight at 6 and i'm pretty sure every night next week . We have reporters coming in to the rehersals from the Telegram. the Muse. Coast 101.1 and CBC. Looks like this producion is going to be a hit.. and I FINALLY GOT TO REHERSE! woo! Anyway I'm out to rest up a bit before I have to go!
Peace and Blessings!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
The week to end all weeks.
It has been an absolutely amazing week. It started last saturday night right up to this friday night. An amazing way to end an amazing summer.
So last saturday night I went to Haydens BBQ with kayla and Tony. it was fun times. I was really drunk. Highlights include Nicole ( my boss) seeing my stumble down the road and getting stuck in Haydens bathroom and getting rescued by his mom. We stayed at Haydens for a lil bit then we went to kaylas then me and Tony Hung out at the park for a lil while. It was fun times indeed.
Sunday night was a girls night turned night out with Tony as well. Me and the girls went to Tims then back to Kaylas where Tony joined us. Ashleigh and I completely defaced a newspaper and then we left. Tony and I walked Ashleigh home then went for a lil stroll around the Goulds. We went to the old softball feild behind the town hall however he was too scared to stay so we had to leave, however, upon leaving we ran into Hayden and Ches, and while talking to them heather drove up fresh off the plane from New jersey. It was a very random place to meet such people, especially since it was 1:30 in the morning.
Monday I know I finished my last day at work. Cleaned out my office and the like. Then I went and picked up a few things I needed for school and hun g out with Tony for a bit before He had to go to work. I'm not exactly sure what happened that night.. hmm. However I know I was out really late because....
Tuesday morning I had to get up early to go do testing with Val for some research she's doing for some Psychology board. They're trying to develop and accurate test of non verbal intelligence. So basically what that entailed was I say down for an hour with Val and got to play with puzzles and got paid 20$ for doing so. It was awesome. After that I went out to school to pay my tuition and scope out the new classes and the like. Ate some pizza. looked around the book store. That was fun too. Tuesday was also a rehersal night so I went there and came home and got some much needed sleep.
Wednesday/Thursday were most definatly the highlights of the week though. Wednesday the girls all packed into kaylas Van and headed to portigal cove south. Now we made a pact, what happens in Portugal cove south, stays in portugal cove south. however I can't leave you wanting more like that. I'll give yousmall tidbits such as. Terry is actually spelled Turrie, Andrew's name is not anthony and he does not have a twin brother and neaked sexy shore boys are very persistant. Right Murr? haha Most definatley hands down the best night of the entire summer. I drank and entire flask of vodka and woke up feeling fine. :) Thursday I also got to drive Kaylas Van in trepassey, which was awesomely funy because i didn't know how to change gears in it and I was MUCH to short to drive it. haha.
Friday night (last night) Kayla, Murr, Aaron and Courtney (Beet) all went downtown. We primed here at my house and Kaylas mom drove us down around 12. Eddie O'keefe met us down there (haha He told me i was really sexy and he could stare into my eyes all night. I wonder if he has any wine to go with that cheese) . We ran into a lot of random people. I ran into my husband and gave him hugs, I seen my friend Kurtis who I hadn't seen in forever. Discovered that Murr is friends with Some random guy I have on my msn list so I got to meet him in person. It wasn't the greatest night downtown but it was pretty awesome all the same! I mean I got to go downtown with Aaron Critch! woo haha
And thus ends my most awesome week. It was the perfect way to end such a roller coaster of a summer. now COMMENT! haha
So last saturday night I went to Haydens BBQ with kayla and Tony. it was fun times. I was really drunk. Highlights include Nicole ( my boss) seeing my stumble down the road and getting stuck in Haydens bathroom and getting rescued by his mom. We stayed at Haydens for a lil bit then we went to kaylas then me and Tony Hung out at the park for a lil while. It was fun times indeed.
Sunday night was a girls night turned night out with Tony as well. Me and the girls went to Tims then back to Kaylas where Tony joined us. Ashleigh and I completely defaced a newspaper and then we left. Tony and I walked Ashleigh home then went for a lil stroll around the Goulds. We went to the old softball feild behind the town hall however he was too scared to stay so we had to leave, however, upon leaving we ran into Hayden and Ches, and while talking to them heather drove up fresh off the plane from New jersey. It was a very random place to meet such people, especially since it was 1:30 in the morning.
Monday I know I finished my last day at work. Cleaned out my office and the like. Then I went and picked up a few things I needed for school and hun g out with Tony for a bit before He had to go to work. I'm not exactly sure what happened that night.. hmm. However I know I was out really late because....
Tuesday morning I had to get up early to go do testing with Val for some research she's doing for some Psychology board. They're trying to develop and accurate test of non verbal intelligence. So basically what that entailed was I say down for an hour with Val and got to play with puzzles and got paid 20$ for doing so. It was awesome. After that I went out to school to pay my tuition and scope out the new classes and the like. Ate some pizza. looked around the book store. That was fun too. Tuesday was also a rehersal night so I went there and came home and got some much needed sleep.
Wednesday/Thursday were most definatly the highlights of the week though. Wednesday the girls all packed into kaylas Van and headed to portigal cove south. Now we made a pact, what happens in Portugal cove south, stays in portugal cove south. however I can't leave you wanting more like that. I'll give yousmall tidbits such as. Terry is actually spelled Turrie, Andrew's name is not anthony and he does not have a twin brother and neaked sexy shore boys are very persistant. Right Murr? haha Most definatley hands down the best night of the entire summer. I drank and entire flask of vodka and woke up feeling fine. :) Thursday I also got to drive Kaylas Van in trepassey, which was awesomely funy because i didn't know how to change gears in it and I was MUCH to short to drive it. haha.
Friday night (last night) Kayla, Murr, Aaron and Courtney (Beet) all went downtown. We primed here at my house and Kaylas mom drove us down around 12. Eddie O'keefe met us down there (haha He told me i was really sexy and he could stare into my eyes all night. I wonder if he has any wine to go with that cheese) . We ran into a lot of random people. I ran into my husband and gave him hugs, I seen my friend Kurtis who I hadn't seen in forever. Discovered that Murr is friends with Some random guy I have on my msn list so I got to meet him in person. It wasn't the greatest night downtown but it was pretty awesome all the same! I mean I got to go downtown with Aaron Critch! woo haha
And thus ends my most awesome week. It was the perfect way to end such a roller coaster of a summer. now COMMENT! haha
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