So here I am. Laying on my bed. Yesterday was my first day back to MUN. I love MUN. I really do. There are so many nice people to meet out there. I spent all of Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at orientation. Let me tell you being an orientation leader is MUCH more fun than being a first year. Holy poo.
Sunday was training. Me and Janine headed out there around 9ish. realized we knew next to nobody. That was fine we had eachother. We quickly learned that we had to dance. Thats right. I had to dance. The OV (orientation Volunteer) Boogie. Needless to say I was a lil scary. So we all lined up so that we spelled out MUN. And in this formation we met the man who became known as M, as we met him in the M. he was a really nice guy so he became our friend. Then M introduced us to Chris. Chris was a cool fellow indeed. So we finish training go home fine and dandy.
Monday I got to know a guy named Darcy. He was one of the POA's and reminded me a lot of my friend terry ( I know you don't like that but too bad he did! its not a bad thing) so we hung out most of Monday night at the breezeway. On Monday I also got the pleasure of getting to dance the OV boogie on the News. Right in front of the camera the whole time. dancing right next to the dean. I had to catch her when she fell. It was awesome. I also danced ballroom style in front of 2000 people. Just me and Sammy Seahawk. Its a really good thing i'm not shy. Haha
Tuesday was more fun times. Campus tour. Luncheon and again some more OV boogie. Got some people to sign my shirt. haha I never thought I could find someone with a dirtier mind than myself, Then I found Darcy. He's my hero lol and said goodbye to the first years
Yesterday was my first day of class. I had English 2390 first. My prof is frigging crazy. she seems like a bit of a bitch to me. My English 2000 prof was Michael Nolan. I had him for 1101 and I really liked him. So I was Pleased. My 2002 prof seems a lil off the wall but I think the course should be a breeze. Religous institutions I'm not so sure about. The prof seems nice enough but I hink its gonna be a lil boring. War And Aggression I had last night. the Prof is nuts. but in a good way. He is the world leader in his feild and had no issues with bragging that to us. He studies murders and serial killers for a living, you have to expect him to be a lil crazy. I only had one class with people I knew in it. Kim and Tabitha are in 2002 with me so it should be fun times.
I don't have classes on tuesday or thursday so thats pretty awesome. I have rehersal tonight at 6 and i'm pretty sure every night next week . We have reporters coming in to the rehersals from the Telegram. the Muse. Coast 101.1 and CBC. Looks like this producion is going to be a hit.. and I FINALLY GOT TO REHERSE! woo! Anyway I'm out to rest up a bit before I have to go!
Peace and Blessings!
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