Wednesday, October 19, 2005

9 Days to my Birthday! ( Just in case you forgot)

Today is wednesday.. did I ever mention how much I hate wednesdays? I thought so.

Today was a comme ci comme ca day. I killed all the tests I got back. I kicked schools butt for sure. I'm not really sure how it is I'm pulling off the marks I've gotten this semester, as I've done less work this semester than any other. However I hope I keep this up. Three tests back today, yep, hot stuff.

I went to see Dr. Batten today. Surgery again. You know what that means right!? TWO DAYS OFF!!! WOOOOO!! *happy dance* however the fact that I can't hear and am in pain, sucks moose testicle.

Going to see Dr. Wang on friday too. Love that woman she's so cute. she's gotta get over her obession with setting me up with her son though. I have a superdupertremendoussplendiferous boyfriend who GOT BILL GREGORY'S AUTOGRAPH for me *heart* :-)

In other news... I don't really have any. haha Laters!

Peace and Blessings!


RyanB said...

You're a dork

Anonymous said...

good marks could be due to the fact you're an arts student