What does love feel like? It feels like every ounce of your being is focused on one person. That no matter what happens in life all will be ok because you always have someone to support you. It feels as if with every laugh that person shares, a new world is born and with every tear they shed, a world is destroyed. Every time you’re with him time stops and everything else loses all meaning there is no doubt no fear just him. You see him sitting there, looking at you so strong yet so gentle and everything in life is complete. You struggle no more, you stress no more. Everything else may come or go but you have all you need right here, as the other half of your soul stares back at you.
With a simple glace into your eyes you make me forget everything bad that has ever happened to me. I had the most horrible day today that I’ve had in along time, and when I seen you it’s like it was like it never happened. There was nothing else on the earth that mattered. There was me, there was you, and there was our love. Thank you for being the supportive boyfriend I’ve never had. Thank you for understanding me and making me feel like I’m sane in this insane world in which we live. Thank you for making me laugh when all I want to do is cry and thank you for helping me to catch my breath when I feel like I don’t have time to breath. Thank you for the kisses, the hugs, the flowers, the words of encouragement and the hours of silence spent in your arms. Thank you for being everything I ever hoped for.
lol, thats sad!! cause in the end, it all turns out the same !! guys are jerks and they will break your heart!! but who knows! wish ya the best!! ttyl
To my beautiful and very prolific girlfriend. Each and every day I'm with you I know I'm becoming a better person. All of the things I do for you are worth the time and effort put in because I know that in short, you are worth it. Up until now I thought that happiness was yelling bingo, but I was wrong. Happiness is being with you...and you laughing at my attempts to make hot chocolate :). If everyone was as sweet as you, we'd be a nation of diabetics, but happy ones :). All my love.
Well I really do hope things work out for you and that a year from now you are not looking back at this page and thinking about how foolish you were to write such things.
I mean, most relationships don't work and you could just be living in a fantasy world.
I hope this boyfriend works out for you and you do remain happy for life, but odds are that it won't.
Maybe you should stick to topics that can't possibly blow up in your face if the relationship ends.
But again, good luck I am sure you are the kind of girl who deserves to be happy.
To said Mystery person above. I never regret a feeling. ANd if by some chance I look back at this next year it won't blow up in my face, I'll think of it as a learning experience, a time in my life I was really happy. You obviously don't know me very well. If you read back a year ago you'll see that I was with someone at the time. and I wrote a lot about him, and yes it did end and it did go sour. However it was a learning experience and I wouldn't change anything I did. But thanks for your input!
You don't know me, and it's really quite bazaar how I came upon your blog. A friend of mine had a bulletin posted on her myspace page about googling "(your name) looks like." My name is Ashleigh so I googled "Ashleigh looks like," and your post in September said something about you were forgetting what Ashleigh looks like. So for some odd reason, I decided to click on current posts, and see what you had, and I found this post. I recently went through a breakup, and this post was beautiful and heartwarming, and I just wanted to let you know that. Thank you for posting it.
And I just read your significant other's comment back...that's so SWEET...btw, I totally wouldn't mind being a diabetic if it meant having someone that sweet around. Thank y'all for "sweetening" my day!
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