So I've applied for a new job. A Job that will take me away from the Rec Centre. How do I feel about it? I'm not sure. I've put my blood sweat and tears into the Rec Centre for five years. Considering I'm only 20, that's a long time. I love the rec centre with all of my heart but I've climbed that ladder as far as I can go. Its no longer a challenge. I've gained so many wonderful skills and met so many wonderful people, but I think it may be time for me to move on. I want this job that I've applied for more than anything, but its new and scary. Like I sadi five years with one job makes me question how well I'd do in another one.
The job I've applied for is the Student Volunteer Bureau Coodinator. thirty hours a week on a one year contract. I'm currently the assistant coodinator there now. All the people I work with seem to think I'm capable of taking on this job , but the bar has been set so high by the current coordinator I'm afraid I could never do that well. I love the SVB. I never thought I would find a place that I loved and was willing to put so much wirk into as much as the Rec Centre. But I have. Its exactly what I want to do. A tight knit team, organizing awesome events, promoting volunteering and working with an amazing group of people. But can I do it? I usually don't question myself like this. I know what I'm capable of, but can I match up?
L:ike I said. I want this. I want this soo bad. someone.. help..?
Friday, March 31, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Greetings from Your Friendly Neighbourhood Invalid
So. It's been a weird week. Benn really busy with work. Crazy. Volunteer Day on Tuesday. Epp. Nothing to wear. Arg.
So in most recent news. I got a hearing aid. I'm not sure about this. Has the world alway sbeen this freaking noisy? Jeepers! I'm really self concious about it. So Basically what I've been doing is poitning it out or making sure people see it so I don't have that awkward moment where I know they're looking, and they know they're looking but they don't ant me to know that they're lookng so they look away and continually glance back to see if what they're looking at is actually what it is... did that make sense? So this is a public service announcment... I'm really a secret agent and its not a hearing aid at all. Ugh. Why can't I just be normal for one day of my life? :P But it all honesty its pretty crazy what I've been missing out on. Like this noise at work that i hadn't heard before. frightened the crap out of me. but appearnatly its a normal sound for the office, I just hadn't heard it before, which completely baffled Zoiey. Weird I say. Anyway I'm tres tired.
Peace and Blessings.
So in most recent news. I got a hearing aid. I'm not sure about this. Has the world alway sbeen this freaking noisy? Jeepers! I'm really self concious about it. So Basically what I've been doing is poitning it out or making sure people see it so I don't have that awkward moment where I know they're looking, and they know they're looking but they don't ant me to know that they're lookng so they look away and continually glance back to see if what they're looking at is actually what it is... did that make sense? So this is a public service announcment... I'm really a secret agent and its not a hearing aid at all. Ugh. Why can't I just be normal for one day of my life? :P But it all honesty its pretty crazy what I've been missing out on. Like this noise at work that i hadn't heard before. frightened the crap out of me. but appearnatly its a normal sound for the office, I just hadn't heard it before, which completely baffled Zoiey. Weird I say. Anyway I'm tres tired.
Peace and Blessings.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
"Rent".. why must you speak so true?
But who Mark are you?
"Mark has got his work"
they say
"Mark lives for his work"
"Mark's in love with his work"
Mark hides in his work
From what?
From facing your failure,
Facing your loneliness, facing the fact you live a lie
Yes, you live a lie tell you why
you're always preaching not to be numb
When that's how you thrive you pretend to create and observe
When you really detach from feeling alive
Monday, March 06, 2006
What did I think of the Paul/ Danny Debate?

I'm Glad you asked. You see, I said I wasn't going to blog about this. But it actually became unbareable and I had to share my opinion. I know most of you know me as an animal lover/ fake vegetarian, But even I, The great Rhonda, Can't argue with Danny on this one. Everything he said in this so called debate is completely justified and true. The McCartneys are being used and are very sadly misinformed. Poor Beatle. Your glory days are over and you must cuddle vicious seal pups in order to get your voice heard anymore. Actually, scratch that because not even your voice was heard on this one. It was your wifes excessive droning that was heard, over yours and Danny's voice for most of the night. The woman doesn't know the word respect. First rule in good debating is to listen to the other side. She couldn't do that she was too busy arguing points that made no sense. No we're not over fishing, europeans are. Yes, we eat seal meat, and Paul, no, you're not in Newfoundland. As I've said beforein comments on other peoples blog/journals even though I'm some what of an animals rights activist and am all for the humane treatment of animals I recognize that the worlds growing population needs meat to survive, and even though I don't eat it I believe that humans have a right to. Its called the food chain. If we can watch a snake eat a mouse its ok for humans to eat a cow. Its how the world works. We are a self sustaining system. If animals are being killed humanely as suffer the least amount possible thats all we can ask for in the fair treatment of animals that will die for food. (yes food) And frankly if the WWF and the UN says that this hunt is humane thats worth a lot more to me that the words of PETA and the Humane society, which are activist groups and whose facts are known for being less than crediable.
I'd also like to point out that the footage shown on CNN on friday night was horrible. In fact, what sthey were doing was illegal. Illegal, get it. The people in those videos were probably charged with cruelty to animals. thats why those videos were made public in the begining. Does anyone remember the big uproar over a video a few years back out of petty Harbour, where they were clubbing seals and they got in a huge amount of trouble over it. They were being inhumane and were brought to court over it. WE know what we're doing here Mr. and Mrs. McCartney. I appreciate you being so passionate about something like this, however please next time get your facts straight. We as Newfoundlanders work very hard to make a living. Do some research on our economy. The seal hunt is a vital part of many peoples lives and it has been deemed humane. Let it be.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
A Letter to past friends.
Dear Former Friends.
I'm not really sure why we stopped talking, maybe you hurt me beyond belief. maybe I hurt you, or maybe we just grew apart as friends often do. But I want you to know you made an impact on my life like no other, and though we may never talk or see eachother or even think about each other very often anymore I want you to know I'm here for you. no matter what. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be the person I am today. I am a firm believer that we are all just a compilation of lessons that we learn from the relationships we form and the ones we leave behind. If I have ever called you friend you have helped shape who I have become. A person I love so dearly and am so proud of every day that I wake up. I am in such an amazing place in my life right now and I thank each and every one of you for influencing me to keep going and to improve myself. You have helped to make me a better person and for that I thank you. I am inviting each and every one of you that I have lost contact with , or I just don't talk to anymore - even if you think I don't want to talk to you - to message me, call me , something. Just touch base and let me know how you are.
Sometimes we forget that the people who influence us the most are the ones we give no credit to at all. Its a snow day and my mind is working over time again. I just realized that a lot of major changes I've made in my life in the past few years are due to people I don't talk to anymore for one reason or another. Not to downplay what my friends do for me. because honestly I have a hard time putting into words what they mean to me. But just a thought, that sometimes we owe a lot to people we have completely dismissed. I hope you understand why I wrote this. Have a good day. :)
Peace and Blessings!
I'm not really sure why we stopped talking, maybe you hurt me beyond belief. maybe I hurt you, or maybe we just grew apart as friends often do. But I want you to know you made an impact on my life like no other, and though we may never talk or see eachother or even think about each other very often anymore I want you to know I'm here for you. no matter what. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be the person I am today. I am a firm believer that we are all just a compilation of lessons that we learn from the relationships we form and the ones we leave behind. If I have ever called you friend you have helped shape who I have become. A person I love so dearly and am so proud of every day that I wake up. I am in such an amazing place in my life right now and I thank each and every one of you for influencing me to keep going and to improve myself. You have helped to make me a better person and for that I thank you. I am inviting each and every one of you that I have lost contact with , or I just don't talk to anymore - even if you think I don't want to talk to you - to message me, call me , something. Just touch base and let me know how you are.
Sometimes we forget that the people who influence us the most are the ones we give no credit to at all. Its a snow day and my mind is working over time again. I just realized that a lot of major changes I've made in my life in the past few years are due to people I don't talk to anymore for one reason or another. Not to downplay what my friends do for me. because honestly I have a hard time putting into words what they mean to me. But just a thought, that sometimes we owe a lot to people we have completely dismissed. I hope you understand why I wrote this. Have a good day. :)
Peace and Blessings!
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