I'm Glad you asked. You see, I said I wasn't going to blog about this. But it actually became unbareable and I had to share my opinion. I know most of you know me as an animal lover/ fake vegetarian, But even I, The great Rhonda, Can't argue with Danny on this one. Everything he said in this so called debate is completely justified and true. The McCartneys are being used and are very sadly misinformed. Poor Beatle. Your glory days are over and you must cuddle vicious seal pups in order to get your voice heard anymore. Actually, scratch that because not even your voice was heard on this one. It was your wifes excessive droning that was heard, over yours and Danny's voice for most of the night. The woman doesn't know the word respect. First rule in good debating is to listen to the other side. She couldn't do that she was too busy arguing points that made no sense. No we're not over fishing, europeans are. Yes, we eat seal meat, and Paul, no, you're not in Newfoundland. As I've said beforein comments on other peoples blog/journals even though I'm some what of an animals rights activist and am all for the humane treatment of animals I recognize that the worlds growing population needs meat to survive, and even though I don't eat it I believe that humans have a right to. Its called the food chain. If we can watch a snake eat a mouse its ok for humans to eat a cow. Its how the world works. We are a self sustaining system. If animals are being killed humanely as suffer the least amount possible thats all we can ask for in the fair treatment of animals that will die for food. (yes food) And frankly if the WWF and the UN says that this hunt is humane thats worth a lot more to me that the words of PETA and the Humane society, which are activist groups and whose facts are known for being less than crediable.
I'd also like to point out that the footage shown on CNN on friday night was horrible. In fact, what sthey were doing was illegal. Illegal, get it. The people in those videos were probably charged with cruelty to animals. thats why those videos were made public in the begining. Does anyone remember the big uproar over a video a few years back out of petty Harbour, where they were clubbing seals and they got in a huge amount of trouble over it. They were being inhumane and were brought to court over it. WE know what we're doing here Mr. and Mrs. McCartney. I appreciate you being so passionate about something like this, however please next time get your facts straight. We as Newfoundlanders work very hard to make a living. Do some research on our economy. The seal hunt is a vital part of many peoples lives and it has been deemed humane. Let it be.
Fabulous Ru.
I knew that my constant nagging and forcing you to read my blog would drive you to the point of having to write a blog.
I'll even allow you stealing my picture. And we shall indeed hang out this summer
The video was not illegal. 90% of seals killed is done by bullet, and the last 10% is clubbed. There was nothing wrong with the video. Sure it was violent and hard to watch, but come on how is the killing of an animal going to be easy to view?
Anyways I thought I would add that tid-bit in.
I think clubbing, looks a lot worse than it actually is. I really do.
The video I was refering to was the one where the guy gaffed the seal, not clubbed him.
Kill em all and let god sort them out!
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