Friday, March 31, 2006

Life Changes? Maybe.

So I've applied for a new job. A Job that will take me away from the Rec Centre. How do I feel about it? I'm not sure. I've put my blood sweat and tears into the Rec Centre for five years. Considering I'm only 20, that's a long time. I love the rec centre with all of my heart but I've climbed that ladder as far as I can go. Its no longer a challenge. I've gained so many wonderful skills and met so many wonderful people, but I think it may be time for me to move on. I want this job that I've applied for more than anything, but its new and scary. Like I sadi five years with one job makes me question how well I'd do in another one.
The job I've applied for is the Student Volunteer Bureau Coodinator. thirty hours a week on a one year contract. I'm currently the assistant coodinator there now. All the people I work with seem to think I'm capable of taking on this job , but the bar has been set so high by the current coordinator I'm afraid I could never do that well. I love the SVB. I never thought I would find a place that I loved and was willing to put so much wirk into as much as the Rec Centre. But I have. Its exactly what I want to do. A tight knit team, organizing awesome events, promoting volunteering and working with an amazing group of people. But can I do it? I usually don't question myself like this. I know what I'm capable of, but can I match up?
L:ike I said. I want this. I want this soo bad. someone.. help..?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are capable of anything that brings joy to other people. You can do it :D