Sunday, March 19, 2006

Greetings from Your Friendly Neighbourhood Invalid

So. It's been a weird week. Benn really busy with work. Crazy. Volunteer Day on Tuesday. Epp. Nothing to wear. Arg.

So in most recent news. I got a hearing aid. I'm not sure about this. Has the world alway sbeen this freaking noisy? Jeepers! I'm really self concious about it. So Basically what I've been doing is poitning it out or making sure people see it so I don't have that awkward moment where I know they're looking, and they know they're looking but they don't ant me to know that they're lookng so they look away and continually glance back to see if what they're looking at is actually what it is... did that make sense? So this is a public service announcment... I'm really a secret agent and its not a hearing aid at all. Ugh. Why can't I just be normal for one day of my life? :P But it all honesty its pretty crazy what I've been missing out on. Like this noise at work that i hadn't heard before. frightened the crap out of me. but appearnatly its a normal sound for the office, I just hadn't heard it before, which completely baffled Zoiey. Weird I say. Anyway I'm tres tired.

Peace and Blessings.

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