Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Letter to past friends.

Dear Former Friends.
I'm not really sure why we stopped talking, maybe you hurt me beyond belief. maybe I hurt you, or maybe we just grew apart as friends often do. But I want you to know you made an impact on my life like no other, and though we may never talk or see eachother or even think about each other very often anymore I want you to know I'm here for you. no matter what. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be the person I am today. I am a firm believer that we are all just a compilation of lessons that we learn from the relationships we form and the ones we leave behind. If I have ever called you friend you have helped shape who I have become. A person I love so dearly and am so proud of every day that I wake up. I am in such an amazing place in my life right now and I thank each and every one of you for influencing me to keep going and to improve myself. You have helped to make me a better person and for that I thank you. I am inviting each and every one of you that I have lost contact with , or I just don't talk to anymore - even if you think I don't want to talk to you - to message me, call me , something. Just touch base and let me know how you are.

Sometimes we forget that the people who influence us the most are the ones we give no credit to at all. Its a snow day and my mind is working over time again. I just realized that a lot of major changes I've made in my life in the past few years are due to people I don't talk to anymore for one reason or another. Not to downplay what my friends do for me. because honestly I have a hard time putting into words what they mean to me. But just a thought, that sometimes we owe a lot to people we have completely dismissed. I hope you understand why I wrote this. Have a good day. :)

Peace and Blessings!

1 comment:

RyanB said...

What made you write this one?