Friday, April 22, 2005

I'm so thankful for friends like you

I know I've been somewhat of a sook for the past few months.. *naw really?* .. And I know how hard that can be to deal with sometimes.. and I want to thank each and every one of you for putting up with my crap. And yes.. I know.. my crap is still on going. But i just wanted to express my sincere thank you to each and every one of my friends who has put up with me and made me feel so much better about myself when, frankly, I've been feeling pretty worthless. I know its not like me to feel this way, and i really do know that there is nothing wrong with me.. but sometimes people do things to make you feel like that.. for reasons that cant be explained. You guys are absolutely amazing. Ash, Kayla, Murrdogg, Stefan, Terry, Jason, Darrin, Evan, Erin, Chris.. its 1am.. I'm drawing a blank.. anyone i may have forgotten.. I love you to pieces guys!

On to another note.. I'm finally done my exams tomorrow.. even though I know i'm gonna fail this one I'm not too worried. It doesn't go toward my degree so meh.. i'm not too concerned :) then downtown with my lesbian tomorrow night :) I love you Kayla! we're gonna get that place on the go again! My loyal readers can most definatly look forward to a drunken post tomorrow night :P

I'd like to end my post with a quote from a song By Will Young.. called Leave Right Now

I'm a little more careful, perhaps it shows? But if I lose the highs at least I'm spared the lows..
Peace and Blessings :)


Rhonda Pittman said...

i DID mean you Erin!!

Anonymous said...

Of course, this may seems a bit strange but.... If I say atitd, does it rings a bell for you?