Sunday, April 10, 2005

An odd week.

I'm in an off mood right now. I will warn you. I'm just feeling so spaced out.

I have all these random thoughts in my head. What if this is what its all about? What if we struggle our whole lives just to be disappointed in ourselves time and time again by our short comings? No matter how hard we work and how much we accomplish there are still those few small things you just can't seem to forget. Those things that overshadow your accomplishments and make you seem like a failure. In my Life I call this "The Charlie Complex". Of all the great things I have I still find myself thinking about the one thing I never could. This is not to say I want what I can't have.. it's just That I would like to know what life would be like. I guess life really is just a compilation of "What if's?"
What if I had moved to BC
What if I hadn't changed my life back in June?
What if I hadn't taken that semester off?
I know its all pretty silly. I am completely happy with everything I have in my life. I'm so thankful for all the blessings my Lord has bestowed upon me over the past 19 years. I wouldn't change anything if I could. I know everything happens for a reason and that God has a greater plan for me, but what if? Its only human to question ones dentiny right? Sometimes I just wish I knew what God had in store for me. Because sometimes its just hard to look forward in my life when i'm not really sure what it is i'm looking for..

I warned you I was in an odd mood...
there you go Evan something to read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite an odd mood there...
