Monday, April 18, 2005

Just something. Please comment *sad face*

I shiver beneath my skin
So cold, so alone.
I used to draw my warmth from your presence
Like a flame for my soul
there was brightness, a flicker and nothing.
Darkness, alone once again.
Adaptation has set in and I ignore its cries
longing for companionship in its empty home.
If I feel nothing
I lose nothing.
Response is not needed.
though much desired by immortality
life needs it not.
Answers are often statements one does not want to hear
and questions need not be asked again
understanding is pain
pain is you.
Amnesia is bliss.
Bliss is the past.
looking forward scares me
staring backward hurts me
and beside me... nothing.
All my soul needs
is someone to embrace it.

By: Me

1 comment:

RyanB said...

nice, i sometimes feel as though I had somebody here, somebody waitin for me to come to bbed

I am sick so my schedule is all messed up, going to lay down now
