Friday, November 12, 2004

A week in Review.

Hello?.... Hello? .. Dat you Bas?

What an awesome week. I got to spend a lot of time with the girls! I mean .. OMG what a bunch of fun. Ash's birthday is tomorrow night and we're all ( minus Murrdogg.. :( ) going downtown to celebrate. Me and kayla and Ash and the guys from Placentia, Ash's b/f. Gonna be a wicked time.
So today was 20% day at the avalon mall. I got off work early and went out to meet up with the girlies. They had already been there since 8am when i got there at 2. and we spent another 2 hours there with me. I got a hoooot new black halter top for tomorrow night and a sexy black halter bra. ohh the boys will want me even .... badder? tomorrow night lol Driving home from the mall was the best though. we were held up in construction on Kenmount rd. so we were dancing and acting like idiots in the car and these two dirty whops in some type of cargo truck were cracking up and smiling and laughing and waving to us and beeping their horn, it was aweeeesome!
ANyhoo i have to go work on Ashleighs present for tomorrow so..

Peace and Blessings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

umm...dis is me bas....u r wicked lol and i loves ya ttyl