Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Welcome Home Mommy And Daddy!

Mom and dad got home last night after their three week escapade through the panama canal. I didn;t really miss them all that much until yesterday. Actually as bad as it sounds i barely noticed them missing at all. waaay too much fun. However after the events of yesterday i missed being daddy's lil girl. I refuse to post what made me so upset ( and causes me still to be so upset) because for some reason unknowing to me , and to the people i have talked to i understand completely why what was done was done and stilll have a great amount of respect for the person that upset me. which is alot harder because the cowards way out, hating the person, would be alot simpilier. sometimes i wish i was shallow and immature, and i wish i culd just seek revenge on those people that hurt me.. but i can't.

I know i act dumb sometimes. and i can be a bit of an idiot but i'm actually quite intelligent and i actually do feel things just like any other person. sometimes i think people forget that. I tend not to let people know things bother me when actually they're eating away at me day and night. i advise people to stop listening to me and start hearing me... if that makes any sense to anybody at all.

So actually.. i guess i should so you all the much anticipated birthday gift my parents brought me back. I loooooooooooove it!!!

Peace and Blessings

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