Saturday, April 23, 2005

Half a 26er of Sourpuss + 3 smirnoff ice = one hell of a hangover

So my so called "wicked night" On George didn't turn out so wicked afterall. As you can see by my title, I got hella smashed. Waaaay too drunk than I ever should have been. However all was fine and dandy until I seen Ricardo downtown. I knew the possibility of seeing him was there.. just didn't realize that fully until I actually did see him. Wow.. I didn't see him for two months and I run into him twice on the same day.. what are the odds? I really thoguth i could handle that.. but with as much alcohol as I had in me when I tried to talk to him I just couldn't, I broke down. Its no big secret that I miss him. We alll know that. I know it. You know it. He knows it. I just don't understand why its still so hard for me.. its been over two months. GET OVER IT!

Secondly Evan picked me and Kayla up downtown last night. Thank you for that btw. I'm pretty sure I didn't say that. Anyway long story short Evan doesn't wanna hang out with me anymore. And i really have no clue as to why. What a way to top off my already brillant nigth downtown.

The moral of this story is the best part of my night was when I was hanging out, sober, with Darrin.

In closing

Dear Life,
Fuck off


Anonymous said...

Stefan with a beer in his hand says,

"Ahh cheer up b'y."

I called somone Mr. Gonorrea today.
When his name was Mr.Gonera.

C'mon thats funny.

Anonymous said...

man i got really drunk a week ago and i started saying stuff to this guy that was just insame i thot it was gunna be an awesome nite and it wass but i couldnt control what i was saying and now i still dont know everything that i said but the he does and i dont think he likes me anymore so i feel for you rhonda and to mke maters worse we sent the nite outside and we were all to drunk for thatt so yeah acualy the best part of the nite must have been when we werea ll sober and were talking like decent peoplee :S

By. Underage Drinkerr

Anonymous said...

underage drinker .. cheer up you cant keep stressing about you were drunk and it could have been worse rite ?? .. well anyways try to forget it if you don let it bother you people will start to forget too