Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I'm at work now..

sitting here in Mr Galloways earth systems class. My second one today. redundant? yes.

So the point of this post? I had a bit of an emotional breakdown last night and said some things i probably shouldn't have said. I blamed other people for my crappy mood and that wasn't fair. I chose to be in a crappy mood. No one can "make" me be in a crappy mood. I chose to be that way and I apologize for that. I was being reactive when I should have been proactive. If i don't like the way things are I should do something about it, not whine and hope something happens. Ricardo & Stefan, I'm sorry for the way I acted last night and I hope you can forgive me for my moment of selfishness. I'm not a selfish person and I do care deeply about other people and how their lives are. Thats just the way I am and I can't expect everyone to be like me too. Most people aren't and I accept that.

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