Monday, May 02, 2005

" Rhonda, You're one of the nicest people I know"

The above title is a statement I have heard 12 times since last weekend. 12 times. Thats about 1 and a half times a day. and this makes me wonder. Am I treated poorly by the majority of people I let in my life because I'm "so nice".. Or am I this successful in my life because I am "so nice" or is it both? I just don't get some people. People will tell me i'm sooo nice in one breath and put me down in the next.. if I'm as nice as you people say I am .. wouldn't you make an effort to be nice back to me? would that just make sense? Or am I being crazy and bitchy all the time and you guys are just afraid to tell me? I'm actually quite perplexed about said situation. Maybe its just a classic case of "nice girls finish last". Because really if I am the nice girl you all say I am then i really need some explaination as to why every time i let someone new in my life they hurt me. I have to be a horrible person right? thats the only way this can make sense to me.

Anyhoo... the past week has been very relaxing. Just chilling out at home all last week. Hung out with the girls a few days. Rented Raise your Voice one night. Friday night went to Evans and wtached a movie and found out every possible mistake the director made Evan could find. haha Kinda funny. Had the Leo convention here in the Goulds the weekend too. That went a lot better than expected. Seems as though some of the male population of the 'round the bay Leos have matured a little since last year and have become tolerable. it was fun times. Went to the home show yesterday too. lol I keep forgetting every year why i don't like going there.. and then i get there and i'm like oooh yeah.. now i remember.. i don't like this place at all. Meh.. gave me something to do all afternoon. Anyway I have to be to work in an hour so i must leave you all.

Peace and Blessings

P.S. Happy 21st Birthday Ricardo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks hun! ;) Hope this birthday goes better then last years lol