Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Philip Riteman

Today I had the great honour of listening to a man speak about his life. He's in his 70's I would suppose. Has a thick European accent. Why was it such an honor? He spent 4 years in Achwitz, probably the most infamous concentration camp the Nazi army had. I probably spelled it wrong. I sat there for an hour and a half and cried my eyes out as he described in vivid detail horrible things he witnessed done and had done. It was actually his job at one time to go into gas chambers.. pile bodies into a wheel barrow and then shovel them into an oven. He saw babies riped from mothers arms and just thrown into a pile.. and blindly shot with a machine gun.

However what really touched me was his reason for telling his story.. which he said he didn't talk about for 40 years, and hates talking about to this day. He said there are people out there who want to convince the world this didn't happen. and once people like him are gone then they have no one left with first hand accounts to tell others about it. he's telling out generation so we know never to let it happen again. never again. He wants this generation to conquer the world with Love. quite the concept. no one has conquered with hate and only hostility bitterness anger and hurt has come with it.. imagine what we could do with a world of love. I know I will never forget. He said that was his biggest fear. that people would forget him and his story. I won't. I will never forget seeing the tears in that mans eye when he pulled up his sleve and showed us his prisoner number.. tattooed on his arm as a permenant reminder of a painful past. God bless you Philip Riteman, I won't forget. Never Again.

Peace and Blessings


Anonymous said...

This is Hayden. I believe it was Mr. Riteman who spoke to us when I was in high school too; it was very powerful. He deserves a lot of credit for speaking about it, and hopefully his message is heard loud and clear.

Rhonda Pittman said...

Hayden, yes it was Mr. Riteman who spoke to you in high school. This was my second time seeing him. however, last time I listened to him speak I was only 13, the message hit me a lot harder today as I could appreciate and understand his story better. You're right. He is very powerful.

Anonymous said...

We had Mr. Riteman in to our school just yeaterday. I had also heard him before. As usual, his message tore at the heart. This time, however, it was especially poinient. A German exchange student got up and crying, apoligized to Mr. Riteman on behalf of her country. Normally she is rather shy, so it must have taken a lot of guts ot get up and speak.
We should try to keep in mind the fact that oly a very small percentage of the population were Nazis and that young Germans today have nothing to do with their country's dark past.
I would certainly see Mr. Riteman a third time if I ever get the chance.

Anonymous said...

I had the honor of meeting Peter Riteman also. He came as a guest speaker to the Dartmouth Flec- adult education and Learning center ( adult high school) to speak to our Global History 12 class along with other classes at our school. He is a very strong man to be able to have the courage to talk about his experience as I am sure it is very hard for him. He is a sweet man and one thing I will remember is his story - the truth and how he wants everyone to teach love not hate. Its so true, too much hate in the world, love is the key to a good happy world.

Anonymous said...


Mr. Riteman is coming to a town near us. Would it be appropriate to take my sons, 8 and 10 years of age or is it too much for them to handle?

Anonymous said...

I had the honor or seeing philip riteman just today! He spoke for almost 2 hours and everyone was crying including him. I had always heard about the holocaust but never really understood it before philip riteman came to talk to us. To see the pain in his eyes when he talked about such a painful topic, was truly heartbreaking. He told us that whenever he talks to people about it, he cant see the people in front of him. he can se clearly in front of his eyes all the horrible things the Nazis did and it brings him back to that time. He is such a brave and couragoeus man and i hope i have the honor to see him again!